21 Striking Promotional Posters for Creative Inspiration Photo Poster Prints Pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity today. People not only pollute their surroundings (land, air and water), but also waste non-renewable Earth's natural resources. That's why, it's really crucial to be environmentally friendly today, use biodegradable and recyclable materials that do not harm the environment decreasing negative effects of human activities. Would you like to protect our environment with the help of green products? Welcome to Ayuprint Percetakan Karawang. Actually, being eco-friendly doesn't mean you need to completely change your lifestyle. As a business owner, you can contribute towards a cleaner environment by using green photo poster prints for your next event or marketing campaign. Unlike banners, posters and cards made of toxic vinyl, plastic or paper, eco-friendly poster size prints are produced from non-toxic recycled materials allowing to reduc...